The Solution Focus international and local communities organise many fascinating opportunities to meet and learn about SF throughout the year. Here you find the events that enhance the practice of SF in organisations.
If you are interested in adding an event, please contact us at
We are group of international Solution-Focused Practitioners who are learning how to effectively apply SF in organisations. The practice of Solution Focus (co-founded by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg) continues to grow internationally as does the number of people using the approach in coaching and in organisations. We look forward to discovering how it works best with you.
Solution Focus in Organisations Fikas 2025. An opportunity to learn while enjoying time with Solution Focused friends and they take place every third Sunday of the month.
Inspired by stories of people getting together silently to read, write and think while learning, Anton Stellamans (Belgium) and Jonas Wells (Sweden) are offering spaces for engaging with the most important resource available to us – you and your resources.
Catch up on events from SF24
The SOLWorld list is a dynamic email group for professionals interested in applying Solution Focus in organisational settings. It’s a place to share insights, questions, and experiences about SF in organisations. Connect with a vibrant community passionate about leveraging SF principles for growth and transformation. Keep up-to-date with what is happening in the SF in organisations community.
We will host a post-conference from the evening of May 17th to 19th, 2025, for two nights in Land aan Zee, Netherlands.The intent of the retreat is to unwind together after the Conference in a different setting, allowing people to connect more deeply. This calm setting provides an opportunity to discuss topics of interest from the Conference in more depth as well as a chance to connect with members of the community for those who travel a long way to the conference.
We are thrilled to announce the dates for the next SF24 conference! Please save the date 2-3 May and find more information here soon.
We are thrilled to announce the dates for the next SOLWorld conference! Mark your calendars for May 15-17, 2025, and prepare to join us in the picturesque and historical town of Mechelen, Belgium. Nestled between Brussels and Antwerp, Mechelen is easily accessible by train or plane. Our conference will take place in a 17th century monastery, recently transformed into a beautiful library and conference center.
Solution Focus in Organisation’s, “More Than a Book Club” invites you to an energising, 75 minute virtual conversation with the SF community about The Shawshank Redemption and SF! This second event will be on 26 February 2025, in three different timezones.
Join us in shaping a remarkable 2024 for SF in organizations, a year where SFiO will go beyond existing formats to create innovative learning pathways.
Bringing you something new and inspiring for 2025! Solution Focus in Organisation’s, “More Than a Book Club” invites you to an energising, one-hour virtual conversation with the SF community! Our first meet-up will be on January 2, 2025 in three different timezones
Inspired by stories of people getting together silently to read, write and think while learning, Anton Stellamans (Belgium) and Jonas Wells (Sweden) are offering spaces for engaging with the most important resource available to us – you and your resources.
Don’t miss out on our 2024 Asia Book Reading Session! Come and join us the master coahing discussion to elevate your conversation skills. Starting on 28 Mar, 25 Apr, 30 May, 27 Jun, 25 Jul, 28 Aug, 26 Sep, 24 Oct, 28 Nov 2024 from 8pm - 930pm on Zoom
Das Treffen findet am 1. Oktober 2024 (17:00 – 19:00 Uhr) auf Zoom statt. Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist kostenlos. Bitte meldet Euch verbindlich an, damit wir besser planen können.
Meet with Rod on the 25 September to explore the field of complex organisational change. You can learn the key factors that make for a good experiment and how to amplify what works to get more of what we want.
We’re delighted by your interest in the SF24 Conference, thank you. We have taken the decision to move SF24 to 3rd May 2024, to coincide with World SF Day.
Ons land telt verrassend veel mensen die, net als jij, dag in dag uit Oplossingsgericht aan de slag gaan. Ter gelegenheid van SF World Day nodigen de VVDO, SFiO en SOLWorld jou van harte uit om dit bloeiende netwerk van Oplossingsgerichte professionals mee zichtbaar te maken.
Are you looking for a buddy to fuel your energy to finish a project, keeping you motivated and inspired? You will love the SF Support Group. Join us on the 23 April!
Meet up on 25 April 2024, Agility is the leaders, individuals, teams, and organisations. It is the ability to dynamically sense and respond to changes in the (business) environment with actions that are focused, fast and flexible.
You are very welcome to join us on 14-16 April if you wish to explore, in an “Open Space” format, how Solution Focus can facilitate conversations for sustainable change, we invite you to the beautiful and sustainable retreat centre “Land aan Zee” in the Netherlands.
Culturele sector als aantrekkelijke werkgever - KVS en SFIO nodigen je uit te Brussel op een inspirerend netwerk event voor iedereen die graag oplossingsgericht werkt in organisaties.
On 16 January at 18:00 CET. Lance will facilitate a workshop that focuses on a systems approach to skill building that empowers organisational staff to bring solution-focused (SF) principles to their client outcomes, creating a company-wide SF culture.
Inspired by stories of people getting together silently to read, write and think while learning, Anton Stellamans (Belgium) and Jonas Wells (Sweden) are offering spaces for engaging with the most important resource available to us – you and your resources.
Praktiker-Erfahrungsaustausch am 16.9.23. Nach 3 Jahren online treffen wir uns endlich wieder zum persönlichen Austausch in Köln!
On 25 October at 18:00 CET. Wim first presented this session at SOLWorld Vienna. The SFiO InterAction editors received so many positive reviews about this session we asked Wim to repeat it online. In this session you will learn to train your ‘noticing muscle’ to become even more skillful and resourceful in it. We’ll have dialogues, share stories, and explore a world of possibilities … just by noticing.
What if we coach without the idea of past and future, but only in the present moment? On September 19th, Annie Bordeleau and Monica Martin will guide you into a very different SF experiment.
Join this wonderful event for young leaders from 12-17 September 2023! “Solution Focus Cooperation for Young Professionals with a Purpose. We’ve worked hard to put together an unforgettable week for you. Explore the site for all the information you need, and if you have any questions, let us know.”
What if change is possible where you are, with what you have? On 4 September at 13:00 CET and 7:00pm SGT, Kenneth Kwan shares an amazing piece of work which he lead in a large public hospital. Leading change has always been challenging and many people see that change is only possible from Top Down. But what if change is possible from the bottom up as well?
A story of how Barneveld local council has used SF over 13 years, experiencing high customer satisfaction and cheaper provision of services. Wed, 31 May 2023 10:00 - 11:30 PDT
We would be delighted to welcome you to the SOLworld Conference 2023 in Vienna, Austria. Together, we will have three days full of inspiration, co-creation, learning, acting, observing and reflecting about the impact solutions focus can have on the lives of many in and after such a crisis.
We are coming together on 7th 8th and 9th July 2023 and, in partnership with Queensland University of Technology, the conference will be held in Brisbane at the Kelvin Grove campus in the KG Village area. For those who know the area there are great accommodation and eating options available in walking distance so it will be an easy and relaxing place to get together.
Join us every third Sunday of the month with your coffee, tea or hot chocolate for a does of light hearted conversation and learning about SF.
Our best hopes from this Meetup group are to facilitate mutual learning about what we all can do to make organisational change fast, fluid and fun by using the Solution-Focused approach.
Please join us for our next Solution Focused in Schools Gathering on February 3rd 2023 for an exciting shared learning opportunity; Maintaining Relational Harmony in Schools - Tara Gretton and Vicky Essebag
Am 4. November von 15:00 bis 18:00 Uhr geht es im Workshop „Searching & Learning“ mit Bärbel Hess um Suchbewegungen in der Begleitung von Organisationsentwicklungsprojekten. Weitere Informationen und verbindliche Anmeldung:
The Retreat will start on Monday, August 8nd 2022 at 19:00 CET and end on Friday, August 12th, 17:30 CET. Attendance at the Retreat is FREE. You cover any travel and accommodation costs that you decide to include in your Retreat arrangements.
A FREE Global-Spanning Conference – 4th & 5th August 2022
On Thursday, 23 June 2022 at 11:00 EDT (7:00 Sydney Time). This is your chance to hear an interview with Haesun about her book, her favourite and most memorable chapters and her answers to your questions.
Die SOLWorldDACH 2022 findet als Freiburger Impulstage vom 12.-14. Mai 2022 in Freiburg im Breisgau statt.
On Tuesday, 29 March 2022 at 17:00 CET. Join to discover what happens in the brain when we ask a solution-focused question? and how might this knowledge influence organisations?
Am 11. März werden wir von 15:00 bis 18:00 Uhr verschiedene Formate kollegialer Beratung erproben und reflektieren
On 29-31 October 2021, SF experts will be sharing their years of knowledge, strategies and tactics. Whether you’re focused on managing change, building culture, enhancing motivation, goal attainment, strengthening engagement, coaching skills or increasing business agility, we’ve got you covered.
On 18 October 2021, Rod Sherwin will host a conversation about how practitioners have used the SF Strategy Canvas in different contexts and what useful ideas people have gained from its application. Even if you’re new to the SF Strategy Canvas, you can learn from those who put it to practical use.
On 13 September, 2021, Chris Corrigan will host our SFiO Global Chapter Meeting and explore how the Cynefin framework can help you understand complexity and tackle complex problems.
We are delighted to announce that the 12th SOL Summer Retreat will take place on 2nd – 6th August 2021.
21 #ratkes vinkkiä #koronan keskelle - Tästä se lähtee Kiitos Lari Karreinen Heli Reinivuo & muut Solution Focus in Organisations (SFiO) Suomi Finland kollegat ihanasta ideasta ja sen nopeasta käytäntöön viemisestä❣️ Vaihtoehto jaksaa, jaksaa -puheelle
It has been a tiring corona year for many and the crises continues. In order to provide a SF alternative to the present public discussion of ‘hang on and hold out’ tone, we publish in four social media chanels one SF question a day. The responce has already now very been welcoming and people have started answering the questions in social media threats🤗 This great idea came from Lari Karreinen we gathered the questions from Sfio-members and Lari & Heli Reinivuo coposed the to nice coloured posts with pictures ready to use in different channels. So, warm recommendation if you feel to do something alike in your countries. We will continue for four weeks all together.
What happens if you bring together different people interested in SF or self-organisation or both? Let’s find out!
Im Kurz-Workshop mit Barbara Vogel geht es um Entscheidungsprozesse im/mit dem Team
We zijn erg blij om je te verwelkomen op de negende bijeenkomst van de SFiO Chapter of the Lowlands. Ook dit keer zullen we online samenkomen. Tue, June 22, 2021 / 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM CEST
We zijn erg blij om je te verwelkomen op de negende bijeenkomst van de SFiO Chapter of the Lowlands. Ook dit keer zullen we online samenkomen. Tue, June 22, 2021 / 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM CEST
Anton Stellamans and Jonas Wells are hosting a space, once a month, for SF Creative Silence workshops all through January to June this year. Time spent here has shown itself to be very engaging and very useful - and a lot of fun - so we’d like to continue to offer these spaces during 2021!
On June 11th 2021, we plan for a one-day online event. We envision a mix of talks, lightning talks (about 10 minutes), interactive workshops, book presentations, research presentations as well as a colourful and lively Open Space for all the topics that arise spontaneously. Be our guest .
People-Centric SF Change Patterns to Engage People in Organisational Change on 6th June 2021 at 11:00 – 12:30 CEST
A Case Study on an Agile (and Solution Focused) Transformation - a Global Chapter hosted by Annette Gray of the DownUnder Chapter TUESDAY 25 MAY from 11:00-12:30 CEST
Join us on MONDAY 3 MAY 2021 to connect and celebrate the start (or end) of this year’s SF World day.
Sunday 11 April 2021, 10am-11.30am UK time. How does Solution Focus underpin Village in the City? Learn how SF ideas underpin VITC, used with a novel framework to help you see what’s working, and what isn’t yet, about your neighbourhood.
Im Kurz-Workshop mit Barbara Vogel geht es um Entscheidungsprozesse im/mit dem Team
You will explore the metaphor and practices of Host Leadership and discover ways to use them on Sun, 7 March 2021 from 11:00 – 12:30 CET
New dates! Join us for 3rd SFiO Downunder at the Solution Focused Summer Bootcamp 3 which will be held on THURSDAY, 4 March from 9:30-11:30 NSW (Sydney Time)
Join our solution-focused community to watch a video and discuss the topic “(Restorative) JUSTICE With a Solution-Focused Approach”.
Upscale your coaching skills by means of practice and support for a Community of Practitioners.
How can we use the SF framework and language we’ve learned about therapy and coaching in organizations? Led by Alan Kay and Cristina Muehl
新冠肺炎疫情下的求职环境充满挑战,前景不明朗,加上后疫情时代的职场新趋势,让在职人士乱了阵脚?! 作为职场教练,您会如何提问协助客户提高就业实力,开启后疫情时代的职场生涯
Our first event for the year, 2021. All are welcomed to attend. We planned for two sessions to cater to participants from Europe and India. Hope this helps to get us to a good start for 2021.
New date! Join us for 2nd SFiO Downunder at the Solution Focused Summer Bootcamp 2 which will be held on FRIDAY 29 JAN from 0930-1130 EST
Join our solution-focused community to watch a video and discuss the topic “SF and Risk Management” on 7 January 2021
Unter dem Motto „SFiO und Freunde“ lädt das deutschsprachige Chapter ein zum persönlichen Treffen und Austausch, für Mitglieder und Praktiker/innen, die an der Anwendung lösungsfokussierter Beratung im Organisationskontext interessiert sind.
Join us on January 17th, 2020: SFiO Chapter in Kuala Lumpur. How does the Next Generation of Leadership Coaching look like in 2020? This event is launching the New SFiO Chapter in Kuala Lumpur!
Join us on January 17-18, 2020: SOLWORLDDACH 2020 in Frankfurt am Main . Wir freuen uns auf eine Open-Space-Konferenz! Euer Organisationsteam: Kirsten Dierolf, Frank Gollas, Stefan Kreil und Joachim Norf.
How can I use the “User’s guide to the future” as a coaching tool? SFiO Global Chapter Meeting with Mark McKergow and Peter Röhrig
Join the the SF trainers’ conference on 7 & 8 March 2020 in Frankfurt Germany This is a very simple Open Space conference and is only for people who currently train others in Solution Focused Practice or for those who have trained others in Solution Focused Practice, including organisational work.
The venue and format for this year’s retreat have been chosen to support a small group spending time together in a beautiful and remote location near London in basic accommodation
On May 28, 2020 is the Fremtiden:live Conference This fremtiden:live 3 (future:live 3) conference is a half-day conference with a focus on conflict management in organisations for leaders. The conference is held in Copenhagen, Denmark. Workshops and presentations will be in English.
How you can use Solution Focus in Design Thinking
Begleitung von Mitarbeitenden, Ulrike Blumenschein und Manuela Peter im Spannungsfeld zwischen alter und neuer Organisation - agile Transformation bei der DBSystel
Join us for the launch of SFiO Downunder at the Solution Focused Summer Bootcamp
We zijn erg blij om je te verwelkomen op een bijzondere achtste bijeenkomst van de SFiO Chapter of the Lowlands. Datum 26 januari 2022.
Join us for the story of a group of Romanian Solution Focus coaches that volunteered their time during the Covid-19 pandemic to support people impacted by the situation. Cristian Boldișteanu, the project’s lead, and one of the Romanian chapter heads will present the story. We invite you to connect, explore, brainstorm, and reflect on how organizing projects in your local chapters and communities can bring people together and spread the SF approach.
Douglas will share his experience of working in an increasingly VUCA environment using Solution Focus.
Experimenting through shared experience An SFiO Global Chapter with Anna-Julia Szabo