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"Building community in a crisis"

Discover a beautiful project which has brought together the SFiO Community of Coaches in Romania to serve non-profit organisation during the pandemic.

Building community in a crisis - Cristian Boldisteanu from SFiO Romania

Join us for the story of a group of Romanian Solution Focus coaches that volunteered their time during the Covid-19 pandemic to support people impacted by the situation. Cristian Boldișteanu, the project's lead, and one of the Romanian chapter heads will present the story. We invite you to connect, explore, brainstorm, and reflect on how organizing projects in your local chapters and communities can bring people together and spread the SF approach.

Loredana Grigore

Loredana is a social worker passionate about Solution Focused and its “magic” that helps people use their strengths and make the changes they want in their lives. Loredana has worked in various area of social work and for the last 11 years she has worked in children and families social care services. Loredana has completed her SF Diploma training with BRIEF and has been using SF in her work with families, young people, in supervision and in her current leadership role as a Service Manager of Edge of Care Services (DBIT) in Essex County Council (a service that has embedded successful SF practice in a safeguarding context) . Loredana is keen to keep up to date with the ever evolving thinking and brilliant contributions to the field by Solution Focused practitioners globally.

Petra Mueller-Demary

As a solution focused coach and facilitator she supports individuals, teams and organizations to move forward with less effort. The power of our mind and how we co-construct a better world is a field of ongoing learning for Petra. In 2002, when she first got in touch with the Solution Focused approach, it changed her way of thinking, teaching, communicating and living. She is very grateful for the joy and lightness this new way of looking at the world brought into her life.

SFiO Chapter Romania

Ideea de a pune bazele unui chapter Solution Focus in Organizations a apărut în cadrul conferinței SOL World CEE 2018. Ca și organizatori ai acestei conferințe și ca și practicieni solution focus, ne-a plăcut mult să lucrăm împreună și am dorit să continuăm să o facem, să ne dezvoltăm și să oferim valoare comunității.