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"Jump Now!"

John Brooker & Marika Tammeaid Reviewed by Marika Tammeaid ColLab is an interaction blending relationship and task When I learned that John Brooker is writing a new book, I started looking forward to it with confidence and joy. It had already been a while from his last book The Creative Gorilla (2013), and we all had been able to enjoy his fresh, creative, and well-packaged tools in various SF conferences.

Solution-Focus Meets Sociocracy

Meet up on 25 April 2024, Agility is the leaders, individuals, teams, and organisations. It is the ability to dynamically sense and respond to changes in the (business) environment with actions that are focused, fast and flexible.

Solution Focused Leadership Summit

On 29-31 October 2021, SF experts will be sharing their years of knowledge, strategies and tactics. Whether you’re focused on managing change, building culture, enhancing motivation, goal attainment, strengthening engagement, coaching skills or increasing business agility, we've got you covered.

Host Leading: Taking a Practical New View on Leadership with Leah Davcheva

You will explore the metaphor and practices of Host Leadership and discover ways to use them on Sun, 7 March 2021 from 11:00 – 12:30 CET

Le “Guide du routard vers le futur” un outil de coaching

The “Users Guide to the Future” as a Coaching Tool (Version originale en anglais) Article Résumé Le « guide du routard vers le futur » est un modèle créé par Mark McKergow et Helen Bailey permettant la mise en place de futurs orientés solution. Lors de notre intervention à la conférence SOLWorld 2019, nous avons eu l’opportunité de présenter ce modèle et d’en faire la démonstration au cours d’une séance de coaching en direct et ainsi de montrer comment des clients peuvent trouver des signes de progrès lorsqu’ils font face à des projets complexes et ambitieux.