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SF24/24 – Watch Party


About this event

Watch an SF video from SF24 and have a great conversation!

SF24 Watch Parties are here to stay! We’ve had rousing conversations over the past three years with speakers and practitioners (and friends) from all over the world.

What are Watch Parties?

A place to gather with SF practitioners and the SF-curious. We watch a ~10 minute video clip from a talk delivered at one of the SF24’s global conferences. Then, discuss in small and plenary group conversations. Often, the speaker is on hand to update us on news from the field and for Q&A.

Who’s this meant for?

Open for all, both experienced SF practitioners, new SF practitioners–and those who’ve never heard of SF before. It’s a wonderful chance to learn more about the approach, as well as see wonderful work from our peers and colleagues happening around the world.

How can I sign up?

We have this dedicated single page where you can sign up for any (or all that are currently adveritsed!) of the watch parties. When you are on the checkout page, feel free to tick the ‘Keep me updated’ box to keep up to date with all things SF24.

Once signed up, you will receive:

An order confirmation with the zoom link An email reminder a day before each session with the zoom link. Access to the “online event page” that also has the zoom link. You can find this by logging onto your Eventbrite account and looking at ’tickets’. The zoom link is the same for every watch party as well.

If you have any problems or questions, don’t hesitate to get in contact through our social media (see below), email: conference@solutionfocus24.com or using the contact button on the Eventbrite page.

Speaker Schedule in 2025:

6TH FEBRUARY - SF Conflict Coaching with Jessica Hawkins This is a rescheduled event from October, when the travel Gods had a pit-stop in Iceland clearly planned for me instead.

Using Haesun Moon’s DOQ (Dialogic Orientation Quadrant), Jessica approaches mediation and conflict between parties in an SF way that’s both easy-to-understand and to implement. Really interesting stuff and so…simple. The results are powerful.

Sign up, EventBrite. Any issues with EB, please send me a note and I’ll give you a secret handshake and share a way in….

Watch Parties have been rousing, playful, thoughtful, and connective. As always, they’re even better when you’re there.

Hope you’ll join us.

For now, Happy Everything!

Julia for the SF24 Team

Next Events:

6TH MARCH - TO COME…Stay tuned!

3RD APRIL - TO COME…Stay tuned!


Julia Mines
Julia Mines
InterAction Contributor

For nearly two decades Julia has helped leaders in the non-profit and for-profit sectors successfully compete in the marketplace, find their “voice” in leadership, and strategize around how best to proceed to be effective with others, with themselves, and in their work places. She is a ICF-certified coach, a program developer and workshop presenter.
