Will Reed & Katalin Hankovszky
SFiO - Solution Focus in Organisations · Time for Youth - A Solution Focus Conversation with Will Reed Introduced by Liselotte-Baeijaert In this podcast, we hear Will Reed, a 19-year-old solution-focused practitioner, in conversation with Katalin (Kati) Hankovszky.
Joe Chan
Reviewed by Tara Gretton “Be inspired by him” A first for Asia and a first for me! My first experience of an interactive book! On one of my favourite topics, young people! It was a wonderful experience, that I am excited to tell you about!
Joe Chan and I have never met; however, we connect on social media and I often watch Joe with admiration as he takes on the most exhilarating physical challenges, all in the name of his work with young people in Singapore! We also have a shared passion for work with young people. So, I was particularly interested to read his book.
Will Reed is a 19-year-old Solution Focused Practitioner based in the U.K., who works constantly to involve Young People and people from diverse backgrounds at every opportunity. He has presented at various national and international mental health conferences, talking from a Young Persons perspective, how positive change can happen with just a switch of mindset to SF. He also co-runs Breathing Solutions a volunteered service that provides Solution Focused Breathwork sessions online, and also manages the UKASFP social media presence. Will is exceptionally driven to make sure that Young People are given a voice, and he makes sure that voice is truly listened to and appreciated in whatever situation that is; a school, organisation strategy or planning events.