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Make sure everyone has a Post-it

Eniko Tegyi & Jenny Clarke Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash Introduced by Jenny Clarke The value of the platform Enikö Tegyi has long experience working with teams. In this article, she shares her know-how, answering that often asked question, “What if some people don’t seem to join in?” Here she gives us a lovely example of how to fully engage and involve everyone in a meeting or project, eliciting Best Hopes to give the work a firm platform. The case that Enikö shares perfectly illustrates the value of taking time before what practitioners may see as “the work” really starts. Indeed, this time is an important part of the work itself. Her (very SF) premise is that every voice counts; therefore, we must hear it. Using Post-it Notes to gather “best hopes” is a great idea. It allows everyone to have a say, even those who hesitate to speak in group situations. When the Post-its are displayed, everyone can quickly see what others think. However, in this case, not everyone added to the Post-it display. We learn here how Enikö’s gentle persistence, drawing on the self-organising ability of the other team members, saved the day.