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"Being captain of their boats"

Liselotte-Baeijaert Celebration Introduced by Julia Kalenberg This story is of SF practitioner Liselotte-Baeijaert bringing SF to students of a school for hotel workers on the beautiful island of Sumba/Indonesia. A tale of how SF can work even when language first seems to be a barrier. It is a story of mutual learning, of working with what is there and of combining SF practice creatively with bodywork. Liselotte came across SF when she attended an SF training course for general practitioners by Luc Isebaert from the Korzybski Institute in Belgium. Back then, she worked as an HR expert in a bank. This first experience with SF inspired her to look for more SF training. She trained with Louis Cauffman, Insoo Kim Berg, Mark McKergow and Jenny Clarke, Peter Szabo, Ben Furman and many more.

"There is no roof on top of it"

Tara Gretton and Katrin Berger Introduced by Katalin Hankovszky On the SF World Day 2020, Tara Gretton (UK) and Katrin Berger (D) started a network, Solution Focus in Schools (Click link for Facebook page). The invitation goes to all interested Solution Focus practitioners linked to schools: Teachers Counsellors Headmasters Parents and pupils too! Online gatherings (every month on the 3rd of the month) keep to a pre-set focus (such as ‘WOWW’ or ‘student-driven’). They allow everyone who signs up to bring in their thoughts and experiences.

Book Review - Resilience Pocketbook

John Brooker, Janine Waldman and Paul Z Jackson Resilience Pocketbook by Janine Waldman and Paul Z Jackson Management Pocketbooks.ISBN: 978-1 906610920 – 112 Pages Formerly an associate lecturer for the Open University in the UK, I received a late assignment from a student with a letter of apology for the delay. She explained that she had returned home to Spain for a course of chemotherapy treatment, was very sorry that she had missed the deadline and could I still mark it? Though a long while ago, I recall how much I admired her ability to deliver that piece of work. She had a full-time job in the UK, worked in her “spare” time on her MBA, dealt with the emotion of her illness, uprooted herself from the UK back to Spain, had therapy and still submitted an excellent assignment.

Developing Industrial Resilience

Christophe Bourgon, Jenny Clarke Introduced by John Brooker Christophe is Head of Business Management Operations in Skyguide, an organisation that provides air navigation services (air traffic control) for Switzerland and adjacent parts of neighbouring countries. It has 1500 employees at 14 locations in Switzerland and guides some 1.2 million civil and military flights a year. It is part of a complex system of independent air traffic control organisations across Europe.

Lily Deforce

Experienced organisation developer and people coach. Member of Board Of Directors with 25 years of experience of working in management functions in non-profit and profit organisations. Business development professional skilled in Leadership and Management, Sustainable Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and External Relations. Ik heb meer da​n 20 jaar ervaring in leidinggevende- en bestuursfuncties, zowel in profit als non-profit organisaties (P​rocter ​&​ ​G​amble​, Somers Zaden NV, Vredeseilanden vzw, Max Havelaar/Fairtrade Belgium vzw, Kauri vzw)​. In die hoedanigheid heb ik​ tal van teams, leidinggevenden en managers gecoacht​​. ​Aan de oplossingsgericht​e manier van werken ben ik, ​na een opleiding bij Ilfaro (2010), helemaal verknocht geraakt. Met die aanpak heb ik​ diverse kleinschalige maar ook grote veranderingsprocessen (oa fusies)​ mogen begeleiden​. In mijn aanpak leg ik de nadruk op​: ​dienend​ leiderschap, duurzame ontwikkeling, empowerment van individuen en teams, good governance​ en het belang van een verbindende communicatie. Ik ​ben oprichter van The Shift en​ voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van Wereldmediahuis vzw (uitgever van MO*). Eind 2017 werd ik fiere mede-zaakvoerder van Ilfaro. ​