
"Learning from our own diversity"

Biba Rebolj Introduced by Lilian Ing I love experiencing and working with people from different cultures, and this is what attracted me to this online workshop. I was not disappointed: 22 cultures were present at the meeting, bringing not only their wealth of diversity but also the common ground of being SF Practitioners. SF group learning is always fun, vibey, collaborative and light, and this session was no exception!

"If I can you Can Too!"

A Global Chapter Meeting with Annette Gray and Peter McLean Introduced by Andrew Gibson With this simple premise, lives have been transformed in Australia, thanks to the Can Too Foundation. The Can Too Foundation works with a community of supporters who train their bodies and minds towards a goal event. While they benefit personally from this programme, they also give back to the Foundation through fundraising, and through supporting their fellow trainees. Annette Gray, SFiO Contributor, Australia, presents this workshop, with special guest Peter McLean, CEO of Can Too Foundation.

"Three beautiful SF conversations"

Alex Steele on the piano and Dom on the saxophone take us through an entrancing journey. A journey where you can truly stretch your SF beliefs as never before, as they work with what is there and fully accept the offerings of others to move forward.

Empowering People for Successful Change?

Susanne Burgstaller Introduced by Alan Lyons Susanne has 30 years of experience in change consulting; however, she believes her last 20 years were the most productive ones, as she was using the Solution-Focused approach. Luckily for us, Susanne’s new mission is to teach what she has learned about making change impactful and fast. So sit back and prepare to propel through a well-honed and accessible array of tools and ideas to help empower people for successful change.

SFiO - Asia Book Reading & Application of Coaching a-z

Don't miss out on our 2024 Asia Book Reading Session! Come and join us the master coahing discussion to elevate your conversation skills. Starting on 28 Mar, 25 Apr, 30 May, 27 Jun, 25 Jul, 28 Aug, 26 Sep, 24 Oct, 28 Nov 2024 from 8pm - 930pm on Zoom

Das lösungsfokussierte Kunstmuseum - wie arbeiten wir mit der Metapher der "Räume"?

Das Treffen findet am 1. Oktober 2024 (17:00 – 19:00 Uhr) auf Zoom statt. Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist kostenlos. Bitte meldet Euch verbindlich an, damit wir besser planen können.

SF World Day - Feest van de meerstemmigheid

Ons land telt verrassend veel mensen die, net als jij, dag in dag uit Oplossingsgericht aan de slag gaan. Ter gelegenheid van SF World Day nodigen de VVDO, SFiO en SOLWorld jou van harte uit om dit bloeiende netwerk van Oplossingsgerichte professionals mee zichtbaar te maken.

Solution-Focus Meets Sociocracy

Meet up on 25 April 2024, Agility is the leaders, individuals, teams, and organisations. It is the ability to dynamically sense and respond to changes in the (business) environment with actions that are focused, fast and flexible.

Lowlands Chapter Meeting

Culturele sector als aantrekkelijke werkgever - KVS en SFIO nodigen je uit te Brussel op een inspirerend netwerk event voor iedereen die graag oplossingsgericht werkt in organisaties.

SFiO Deutschsprachiges Chapter

Praktiker-Erfahrungsaustausch am 16.9.23. Nach 3 Jahren online treffen wir uns endlich wieder zum persönlichen Austausch in Köln!
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