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Creative Solution Building

Mark McKergow and jacqui-von-cziffra-bergs Review by Mark McKergow This very welcome addition to the international Solution Focused bookshelf is a collection about SF applications in Africa. The book is particularly useful in engaging with the particular contexts and traditions of Southern Africa and showing how SF practice connects with these to give a good ‘fit’ in this part of the world. Part of the international spread of SF work in recent years has been the appearance of books and collections about people using the SF approach in different parts of the world.

Youth 2 Youth

Tara Gretton Introduced by Tara Gretton Terre des Hommes Switzerland is a development aid agency. The organisation supports the economic, political and social self-determination of people in developing countries. It works with local partner organisations in ten countries in Africa and Latin America and primarily supports young people. Where possible, they work together with local partner organisations. The focal points of the work are: Prevention of violence Education and income Health.

Growing the Solutions Tree

Peter van Erum SFiO - Solution Focus in Organisations · Growing the Solutions Tree - Peter Van Erum interviewed by Wendy van Den Bulck Introduced by Brian Jennings Peter Van Erum has spent most of his working life supporting development in rural communities in East Africa. He began as a volunteer science teacher in Tanzania in 1992 and then as an organisational development practitioner, largely in the agricultural sector, working between Uganda and Tanzania with different development organisations.