SFiO Fika 2025!

** Register here

About this event

We welcome you to join SF friends hosted by John Brooker and often a guest host.

Come along to enjoy the company, the conversation and some light learning. Bring your snacks and wear something Sunday relaxed.

You will receive a warm greeting whether you drop in for ten minutes or stay for 60 minutes.

When you register, we will email you a Zoom link and reminder.

Our best hope, as always, is to see you there having a good time!

John Brooker
John Brooker
SFiO Reviewed Practitioner
Editor of Interaction
Chapter Head
SFiO Contributor

John has over thirty years experience of leading people to collaborate effectively. He gained his leadership experience as a Senior Vice President in Visa International, working on international projects. Since 2004 he has used his leadership and Solution Focus expertise to enable people in multinational and national organisations to collaborate effectively. He is Co-President of Solution Focus in Organisations, an SFiO Reviewed Practitioner and has an MBA from The Open University in the UK.


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