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Chapter SFIO China

欢迎参加“组织中的焦点解决(SFiO)”中国社群的活动! 走出心理咨询和治疗室之外,焦点解决还可以在普通人的工作、生活各方面发挥作用,培育并滋养个体、团队、企事业单位及各类组织、社区乃至整个社会的健康运行、和谐与美好。 焦点解决与东方智慧有着天然的联结。我们希望在这里汇聚全中国的焦点解决实践者,彼此交流、共同分享、相互支持、互相赋能。 我们希望SFiO中国社群:1)成为连结东西方焦点解决实践交流的桥梁;2)搭建在在中国本土组织中实践SF的有用资源库;3)从理论、技术、人才等各方面支持实践者在组织中应用SF的尝试;4)凝聚实践者,彼此支持与赋能,大道不孤,天下一家。

Helen/Lei Yue Chapter Head

Helen Yue
Helen Yue
SFiO Chapter Head
SFiO Contributor

Mrs. Yue Lei,known as Helen by her friends in the SF community worldwide, is a pioneer practitioner of Solution Focused Brief Coaching in Mainland China. She had been trained strictly and constantly in Solution Focused Approach for years before she was certified as CSFC (Certified Solution-Focused Coach) in 2015. Since then she has provide 1000+ hours coaching service to individuals and teams.
