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Paut Struik

Paut Struik

SFiO Chapter head
SFiO Contributor

Solution-focused work is my passion. Looking at the desired output and searching for what is already working is faster, more enjoyable and energising. I constantly stay abreast of the latest developments abroad, where I get to teach with frontrunners in the field.

I quickly adopt the latest SF developments into my work with organisations, directors and supervisors, managers and employees, and with clients. Supporting people in taking leadership and finding direction, whether in their personal lives, with their team or within an organisation. This generic and proven effective model has translations to specific situations, but is fundamentally just as quick, enjoyable and effective everywhere. It starts with listening differently, with different conversations. And that is the power: if you know what you would like the change to deliver and how you are going to notice it, things in life and work run just a little more smoothly.

Solution focused thinking is so much more than techniques. It’s about trust in people’s abilities, about hope and desired outcome rather than goals and about inviting people to pre-live their preferred future.

Speciality: asking meaningful questions. In training, coaching, Intervision and organisational development.
