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Mia Lunde

Mia is a senior consultant at the Center for Solution Focused Research and brings 20 years experience of youth and family support work in the UK and Denmark. The last 6 years Mia has been specialising in solution focused work with children and families at risk, as well as delivering and developing solution focused training to professionals in Denmark.

Sabine Indinger

Coach für Menschen, die in einer Beziehungkrise mit ihrem Job stecken Betriebswirtschaft – Organisationspsychologie – Logotherapie & Existenzanalyse (Viktor E. Frankl) mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung in Unternehmensberatung, Coaching und Workshop-Moderation vom EPU über Kleinst- und Kleinbetriebe bis zum Konzern Wirtschaftsunternehmen, NGOs, öffentlicher Sektor seit 2021 Psychologische Beraterin (gem. §19 GewO)

Sara Healing

Sara Healing (B.A., hons., M.Sc., Psychology, University of Victoria, Canada). Her honours thesis (published as Healing & Bavelas, 2011) was an experiment on the effects of two different lines of questioning about the same task.. For her M.Sc. thesis, she developed a microanalysis that identified the unique information that an individual patient can contribute to oncology consultations. Her primary research interests are using microanalysis to study face-to-face dialogue; she has collaborated in 18 such studies, including both basic research in lab experiments and applications of the method in various applied settings, especially medical and psychotherapy dialogues. Her publications include experiments on hand and facial gestures in psycholinguistics journals, bad-news delivery in a medical journal, and a review chapter in a language and social interaction handbook. As part of International Microanalysis Associates, she teaches international professional workshops on microanalysis and communication research.