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Reviewed Piece of SF work: Sieds Rienks

Improving performance and atmosphere in a Health Care Institute by using Solution Focus ap-proach and methods.

Els de Beurden

Els is currently the team leader of the policy advisory team of the social services department of Gemeente Barneveld, a local council in The Netherlands. Formerly team leader Social Services department and advisor on supported living Gemeente Barneveld. Before that several coordinating and professional positions with the Dutch Refugee Council. Studied language and literature at Tilburg University, specialising in learning of second languages.

Fredrike Bannink

Fredrike Bannink is a Master of Dispute Resolution and a clinical psychologist. She is an SF trainer and author of many international publications solutions@fpbannink.com, www.fpbannink.com.

Gesa Döringer

Gesa is an experienced SF and occupational therapist. For the past 15 years, she has been working as a jobcoach at the department for Early Onset Psychosis of Amsterdam UMC, combining her two professions with passion. She respectfully witnesses the resilience and solutions of her clients and admires how they dust themselves off after experiencing psychosis and dare to focus on their goals and next steps ahead. Experiential learning and game elements are her secret ingredients to hold space for her clients and encourage them to gain new insights and flexible perspective taking. For the past 10 years she has worked as an author and SF Trainer in Germany and the Netherlands, teaching SF and, more recently ACT. In 2020, she published a first book on SF for occupational therapists in Germany.

Sieds Rienks

Sieds Rienks is a SF change agent pur sang. He was psychologist, manager, medi-ator, speaker, coach and leader all his life. He supports many change programs for many organisations. Most of them on the top level of corporates, hospitals, health care or government. Even now he is 71 years old, he still influences people in many organisations. And he is deeply attached to young workers in start-up organisations. And always, always his approach is Solution Focus.