Bärbel Hess ist seit über 20 Jahren selbstständig als Beraterin, Prozessbegleiterin und Coach. Zu ihren Kunden zählen kleine, mittlere und große Unternehmen sowie Organisationen im öffentlichen und sozialen Bereich. Besonders motiviert und begeistert es sie, Menschen und Organisationen beim Entdecken, Entwickeln und Erreichen ihrer Ziele zu unterstützen. Und dabei ihre Stärken und Potenziale zu nutzen.
Ihre Website: www.baerbelhess-accompany.de
Dora is an HR Leadership Capability & Soft Skill Lead at Vodafone Hungary. She has worked 20 years in multinational companies as development „challenger”. In Vodafone, she has built a „swat” OD team working in the whole network, using brief-coaching based solutions.
Els is currently the team leader of the policy advisory team of the social services department of Gemeente Barneveld, a local council in The Netherlands.
Formerly team leader Social Services department and advisor on supported living Gemeente Barneveld. Before that several coordinating and professional positions with the Dutch Refugee Council. Studied language and literature at Tilburg University, specialising in learning of second languages.
Eniko is a coach, team coach and leader of the Brief Coaching in Leadership and Organisation programme in Budapest. As coach, she specialises in supporting and building resilient, self-organising teams
Gyorgy is an internal OD consultant, trainer and coach at Vodafone Hungary. He believes in the power of shared thinking, sharing in his workshops considering it the best way to build resilience and flexibility in unexpected situations.
John Brooker has over thirty years experience of collaborating, facilitating collaboration and training people to become better collaborators and leaders.
He joined Visa International as an ATM technician in 1985, becoming a Senior Vice President in 1996. John collaborated with banks and colleagues internationally to develop Visa’s ATM network in EMEA, conceive and run a Visa education business for banks in EMEA, pioneer payments on the Internet and consolidate technical support in to a single call centre, for the banks in the EU region.
Katalin Hankovszky Christiansen M.A., PCC is an independent trainer and coach. Coming from a pedagogical background, she has work in the business and training environments since 1995.
She leads the Hungarian faculty of Solutionsurfers, is a SOLWorld enthusiast from the very beginning and has invested some years in educational research.
Katalin is training teachers to use Solution-Focus as learning design in the classroom.
Lari Karreinen works as an independent consultant at Karreinen.org to help people to good participation, meaningful discussions and finding the solutions they need. For this he uses solution focused coaching and facilitation.
He’s especially interested in leadership development in situations with low hierarchy and informal leadership, such as networks and volunteer leadership. The clients are leaders and teams who believe in participatory leadership and continuous learning.
The beginning of Lari’s lifelong learning journey consists of Master of Social Sciences, qualification in adult pedagogy, and degree in solution focused coaching in Helsinki University, Palmenia Centre for Continuing Education. But this is just a beginning.
Leah Davcheva, PhD, is the founder and director of AHA moments – Centre for Interculturality, Solutions Focus, and Host Leadership. She works both locally and internationally, developing and delivering coaching and training programmes for organisations, teams and individuals in a wide range of settings.
Leah has contributed to and was instrumental in building up the foundations of intercultural education and intercultural communication training in Bulgaria and beyond. Having studied Solutions Focus and Host Leadership with Mark McKergow, a more recent focus in her work is supporting people in their desire to change.
Experienced organisation developer and people coach. Member of Board Of Directors with 25 years of experience of working in management functions in non-profit and profit organisations. Business development professional skilled in Leadership and Management, Sustainable Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and External Relations.
Ik heb meer dan 20 jaar ervaring in leidinggevende- en bestuursfuncties, zowel in profit als non-profit organisaties (Procter & Gamble, Somers Zaden NV, Vredeseilanden vzw, Max Havelaar/Fairtrade Belgium vzw, Kauri vzw). In die hoedanigheid heb ik tal van teams, leidinggevenden en managers gecoacht. Aan de oplossingsgerichte manier van werken ben ik, na een opleiding bij Ilfaro (2010), helemaal verknocht geraakt. Met die aanpak heb ik diverse kleinschalige maar ook grote veranderingsprocessen (oa fusies) mogen begeleiden. In mijn aanpak leg ik de nadruk op: dienend leiderschap, duurzame ontwikkeling, empowerment van individuen en teams, good governance en het belang van een verbindende communicatie. Ik ben oprichter van The Shift en voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van Wereldmediahuis vzw (uitgever van MO*). Eind 2017 werd ik fiere mede-zaakvoerder van Ilfaro.