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Solution Tools

50 Berater aus aller Welt beschreiben konkrete Übungen aus ihrer persönlichen Praxis mit dem Solution Focus.

Ania Smolka

Ania has 8 years of leadership experience in a Start-Up and understands agile practices from within. From this experience she developed her passion to facilitate change and became an excellent LCP Coach and facilitator. She constantly focuses on the value she brings to her clients. With her authentic style Ania challenges in a constructive and supportive way to create the desired impact. Ania is passionate about finding be the most useful and effective approaches to support her clients.

Annie Bordeleau

With over 25 years working as a facilitator, trainer and coach in both global companies and in academia, I strive to better understand and master the art of leading useful and mindful interactions. In recent years I have devoted most of my time in designing and facilitating 6-12 month leadership programmes. Unlike Obelix, I have not fallen into the Druid’s cauldron at a young age. I had to learn and experiment with SF, one assumption at a time. Discovering this approach in 2005 has fundamentally transformed the way I work with my clients and I trust that SFiO can support leaders and organisations across all cultures to lead change more effectively.

Bärbel Hess

Bärbel Hess ist seit über 20 Jahren selbstständig als Beraterin, Prozessbegleiterin und Coach. Zu ihren Kunden zählen kleine, mittlere und große Unternehmen sowie Organisationen im öffentlichen und sozialen Bereich. Besonders motiviert und begeistert es sie, Menschen und Organisationen beim Entdecken, Entwickeln und Erreichen ihrer Ziele zu unterstützen. Und dabei ihre Stärken und Potenziale zu nutzen. Ihre Website: www.baerbelhess-accompany.de

Cristina Mühl

My background in compliance, audit, consulting and international business arena made me realize how important coaching was in the current corporate world. I was introduced to the Solution Focus approach during coaching training with Kirsten Dierolf and after that by interacting with members of the SF community and adapting business models to incorporate SF values. In 2020, I have been heavily involved in organizing the first 24 hours SF Conference and a pro-bono coaching project with SFiO Romania.

Frank Gollas

Frank Gollas works as an Agile Coach for DB Systel, a company within the Deutsche Bahn group. The company is going through a huge transformation process towards self-organising agile teams. Frank permanently coaches several teams and loves to use SF, whenever possible. He first came into contact with SF in 2017 and recognised, that it connects perfectly with Agile. Since then he is an excited member of the SF Community and convinced, that using SF in Organisations will make a huge difference. He also works as a self-employed coach based in Frankfurt.

Gesa Döringer

Gesa is an experienced SF and occupational therapist. For the past 15 years, she has been working as a jobcoach at the department for Early Onset Psychosis of Amsterdam UMC, combining her two professions with passion. She respectfully witnesses the resilience and solutions of her clients and admires how they dust themselves off after experiencing psychosis and dare to focus on their goals and next steps ahead. Experiential learning and game elements are her secret ingredients to hold space for her clients and encourage them to gain new insights and flexible perspective taking. For the past 10 years she has worked as an author and SF Trainer in Germany and the Netherlands, teaching SF and, more recently ACT. In 2020, she published a first book on SF for occupational therapists in Germany.

Ingrid Reisch

Ingrid Reisch Dipl.Psych. Univ. started to study Solution Focus in 1994 with Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg. She was an internal HR Manager at that time and had already had many years of experience in management and leadership development, systemic coaching and change management. Using the solution focused approach in coaching, teamcoachings and change management is a fantastic way to cooperate with people’s unique competencies and potential. Ingrid is persistent and target oriented and at the same time she has a great sense of humour – and it shows in her work.

Katrin Berger

Katrin Berger works as a school counsellor in Bremen, Germany. Her favourite tasks are WOWW-Coaching, Children’s Support Groups and SF Child protection work within schools. Besides this, she is self-employed as “Lösungswerkstatt” (Solution Focused workshop facilitator), where she offers training and team building, conflict mediation and coaching. She is a passionate networker and loves to build bridges between people and to support cooperation.

Kirsten Dierolf

Intelligent, honest and meaningful conversations solution-focused multinational multicultural offering you a confidential thinking partnership for your strategic and personal development