Ronald-Warnecke & Annie Bordeleau
Foreword by Annie Bordeleau Many colleagues in Ronald’s work environment describe him as someone who is staying ahead of the game, fully dedicated to finding new and effective ways of supporting individuals and teams in their development.
We had crossed paths many times, promising to meet up soon to exchange ideas on workshop design and Solution Focus. It is only recently that we finally grabbed a coffee and a meeting room to start exploring with this interview.
Mark McKergow and Peter Röhrig
Le “Guide du routard vers le futur” un outil de coaching (French translation by Mathieu)
Article Model In their book “Host – Six New Roles of Engagement” (2014, pp.45 – 59) Mark McKergow and Helen Bailey present the following model which illuminates the responsiveness of hosting and helps Host Leaders (and indeed SF workers) think about where to put their focus; how to connect long-term hopes and objectives with short-term action. It outlines a way of working with uncertainty that is both efficient – getting lots of action for less effort – and responsive to the unfolding future.
An Interview with Frank Gollas
Introduced by Annie Bordeleau Many Agile practitioners have adopted the Solution-Focused approach to lead constructive conversations with their teams, invite self-reflection, develop the future vision and plan actionable next steps. Frank Gollas and his colleagues have taken this relationship to the next level, however. In this short interview, Frank describes how SF is weaved into a large transformative project in a company of 4000 employees, which is slowly building 300 self-authored teams.
Tara Gretton
Introduced by Tara Gretton This interview is such an open, honest, and inspiring account of using Solution Focus (SF) across a large vocational college of 1200 students, aged 15-60.
In this interview with Orsi Szabo, Judith Mahlmann, the school Principal, shares the story of how they attended Katalin Hankovsky’s seven-day workshop ‘Learn Coaching for Vocation Colleges’, in the first year as Principal at Inge Katz school in Bremen, Germany. Since then, ten-fifteen of their staff have attended the training.
Chris Corrigan, Klaus Schenck
Introduced by Klaus Schenck Left unattended, order decays by itself (states the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics). On the other hand, in nature and organisations, life reverses that decay, creates “order from noise”, and “surfs on the edge of chaos”. The “Cynefin” framework, which Chris Corrigan introduces in this webinar, adds three more options or “domains”, beyond order and chaos, to its map of the world.
Klaus Schenck
Introduced by Annie Bordeleau When I discovered Klaus Schenck’s work in 2013, he was already fascinated with metaphors and how they ubiquitously spice up our language and colour our stories.
In this presentation, Klaus chose the metaphor of ‘Bottlenecks’ to explore the sustainable flow of solutions. He highlights how heightened awareness of constraints and changing circumstances can propel us into our creativity.
Lance Fortner & Tara Gretton
Introduced by Tara Gretton Lance Fortner’s voice and tone testify to his deep empathy and respect for others. The topic of schools, especially the challenges faced by children and young people, can be daunting. Yet, Lance’s approach is marked by a profound understanding of everyone he speaks about, a quality that shines through in his role as a solution-focused counsellor in a school in Heidelberg, Germany.
Stephanie Hammer
Introduced by Trevor Durnford Some of the world’s leading brands, such as Apple, Google, Samsung and AstraZeneca, have rapidly adopted the Design Thinking approach. Staff in leading universities worldwide, including Stanford, Harvard, and MIT are teaching Design Thinking. So there is no doubt that this approach is gaining real traction in organisations.
Das Treffen findet am 1. Oktober 2024 (17:00 – 19:00 Uhr) auf Zoom statt. Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist kostenlos. Bitte meldet Euch verbindlich an, damit wir besser planen können.
Am 4. November von 15:00 bis 18:00 Uhr geht es im Workshop „Searching & Learning“ mit Bärbel Hess um Suchbewegungen in der Begleitung von Organisationsentwicklungsprojekten. Weitere Informationen und verbindliche Anmeldung: