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Fiona Turner

Fiona Turner is working in education at Catholic Education Melbourne on a large-scale project. As Product Owner, eLearn, Fiona works with teams delivering enterprise technologies to schools in Victoria. Her role involves liaising with school personnel and project teams to provide contemporary learning technologies for teachers to improve student learning. Previously, Fiona had worked as a curriculum coordinator and teacher in primary schools in Melbourne. Fiona is an accredited coach with Growth Coaching International and has a certificate in Solution Focus Coaching.

Joe Chan

A youth work practitioner for the past two decades, Joe specialises in working with children and youths in the community. Joe enjoys the challenges and thrills of this work. He started as a caseworker himself, overseeing individuals, families and programmes until today where he heads the Youth Service of REACH Community Services Society (Singapore). With his dedication to coach his team of social workers, counsellors and youth workers, the team reaches out to over 800 youths every month all over Singapore through its holistic services and programmes. His training in social work helps to provide a systems perspective to complex issues and problems. Being trained in the Solution Focused Approach in both therapy and coaching offers a unique way of looking at individuals across a broad spectrum of needs and goals.

Katalin Hankovszky

Katalin Hankovszky Christiansen M.A., PCC is an independent trainer and coach. Coming from a pedagogical background, she has work in the business and training environments since 1995. She leads the Hungarian faculty of Solutionsurfers, is a SOLWorld enthusiast from the very beginning and has invested some years in educational research. Katalin is training teachers to use Solution-Focus as learning design in the classroom.

Mari Juote

Mari Juote-Pesonen works as a trainer, coach and educational specialist at University of Helsinki Palmenia Centre for continuing Education. She designs and delivers training and development programs and applies solution focused ideas widely in her work. She is also a mindfulness teacher. Reviewed Piece of Work: HRD-Team development process (2012) The piece of work was carried out with a small HRD-team in a public organization. The aim of the process was to support change process of the team. The process lasted for six months including five half of a day workshops. The goal was to provide a co-creation process in which the HRD-team could co-construct its own desired future and appropriate work procedures. In addition, the team members wanted to learn and develop their individual facilitation skills and create new HRD-products. I was privileged to work during the process with my solution focused colleague and coach Kerttu Autio from Turku University.

Tara Gretton

Tara is the founder of Solution Revolution and co-founder of The Blossoming Family. She fell in love with the Solution Focus approach in 2002 and is on a mission to share this magical approach with schools, children, young people and families. Tara also feels passionate about hearing young people’s voices and loves to train the young in the solution-focused approach. Tara also enjoys working with musicians, actors and breath workers, where they bring the magic of SF and the arts together.