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Two teams merged into one

Jesper Hankovszky Christiansen Introduced by Annie Bordeleau Clients asked Jesper H Christiansen to merge two teams that were in deep conflict with each other. The management had concluded that due to the team’s overlapping activities, it was essential they work together, once and for all. The management had tried this in the past, without success.

The Brain and the Impact of Solution Focus Questions

Dr. Rachel Gillibrand & Dr. Adam S. Froerer & Mia Lunde Introduced by Paut-Kromkamp As enthusiasts of the solution-focused approach, therapy or otherwise, we know it works. Our clients often tell us it works. But do we understand how it works; really understand? We know quite a bit about what works; we constantly look for that adage, ‘When something works, do more of it.’ And we know quite a bit about with whom it works; that is, with almost anyone and in virtually any situation - though people unfamiliar with Solution Focus (SF) often find that hard to grasp. But hard evidence about the how is tougher to find. Especially about what happens in the brain as people answer questions in a solution-focused session.

The Brain and the Impact of Solution Focus Questions

Dr. Rachel Gillibrand & Dr. Adam S. Froerer & Mia Lunde Introduced by Paut-Kromkamp As enthusiasts of the solution-focused approach, therapy or otherwise, we know it works. Our clients often tell us it works. But do we understand how it works; really understand? We know quite a bit about what works; we constantly look for that adage, ‘When something works, do more of it.’ And we know quite a bit about with whom it works; that is, with almost anyone and in virtually any situation - though people unfamiliar with Solution Focus (SF) often find that hard to grasp. But hard evidence about the how is tougher to find. Especially about what happens in the brain as people answer questions in a solution-focused session.

Reviewed Piece of SF work: Hans-Christian Nielsen

Achieving a renewed working model. How can we organise ourselves to obtain more quality in our work and cope with the VUCA-world we live in?

Hans Christian Nielsen

Hans Christian Nielsen is HR and Communications Manager in AAK (The Unemployment Insurance Fund for Academics in Denmark). The candidate has a master degree in Political Science from the University of Copenhagen. The candidate has been working with HR development both in the private and the public sector as manager and consultant. Reviewed piece of SF work: Working with Workplace Enviroment Evaluation with a Solution Focus approach As HR and Communications Manager in AAK (The Unemployment Insurance Fund for Academics in Denmark) I wished to work with Workplace Environment Evaluation (in Danish, APV), with a overall starting point in the Solution Focus Approach.

Jesper Hankovszky Christiansen

I am working with the solution-focused approach in the field of coaching, team coaching, large groups interventions and conference facilitation for Jesper H Christiansen and Solutionsurfers. Try out my free Coaching app: Minute Dice - www.minutedice.com As a partner in Edgeware Creative Entrepreneurship, I support start-ups and small companies clarifying key products, passion and ethics. Working primarily in Switzerland and Denmark and other European countries. Based in Lenzburg, Switzerland, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Mia Lunde

Mia is a senior consultant at the Center for Solution Focused Research and brings 20 years experience of youth and family support work in the UK and Denmark. The last 6 years Mia has been specialising in solution focused work with children and families at risk, as well as delivering and developing solution focused training to professionals in Denmark.