Unleash the power of sharing and generosity! Contribute to SFiO in 2024 to help our initiatives flourish!


German Chapter Meeting - Searching & Learning

Am 4. November von 15:00 bis 18:00 Uhr geht es im Workshop „Searching & Learning“ mit Bärbel Hess um Suchbewegungen in der Begleitung von Organisationsentwicklungsprojekten. Weitere Informationen und verbindliche Anmeldung:

Chinese Chapter Meeting


German Chapter Meeting - Kollegialer Beratung

Am 11. März werden wir von 15:00 bis 18:00 Uhr verschiedene Formate kollegialer Beratung erproben und reflektieren

SF DAY!!! SFiO Improvised Fika

Join us on **MONDAY 3 MAY 2021** to connect and celebrate the start (or end) of this year's SF World day.

Village In The City with Dr Mark McKergow

Sunday 11 April 2021, 10am-11.30am UK time. How does Solution Focus underpin Village in the City? Learn how SF ideas underpin VITC, used with a novel framework to help you see what’s working, and what isn’t yet, about your neighbourhood.

Building community in a crisis - Cristian Boldisteanu from SFiO Romania

Join us for the story of a group of Romanian Solution Focus coaches that volunteered their time during the Covid-19 pandemic to support people impacted by the situation. Cristian Boldișteanu, the project's lead, and one of the Romanian chapter heads will present the story. We invite you to connect, explore, brainstorm, and reflect on how organizing projects in your local chapters and communities can bring people together and spread the SF approach.

Chapter SFIO China
