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Chapter of the Lowlands

De Chapter of the Lowlands verenigt alle Nederlandstalige SFiO Contributors. We komen 2 keer per jaar samen, om beurten in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Er is ruimte voor netwerking, intervisie én we laten ons stimuleren door een interessante spreker. We wisselen af tussen een theoretische bijdrage, een praktische toepassing van SF en inspiratie uit een ander domein.

Lien Tettelin

Lien is a change facilitator devoted to Social innovation and Citizen participation at Vlaskop & Levuur. Through co-creation, we answer social issues and guide complex change processes that impact our future.

Lily Deforce

Experienced organisation developer and people coach. Member of Board Of Directors with 25 years of experience of working in management functions in non-profit and profit organisations. Business development professional skilled in Leadership and Management, Sustainable Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and External Relations. Ik heb meer da​n 20 jaar ervaring in leidinggevende- en bestuursfuncties, zowel in profit als non-profit organisaties (P​rocter ​&​ ​G​amble​, Somers Zaden NV, Vredeseilanden vzw, Max Havelaar/Fairtrade Belgium vzw, Kauri vzw)​. In die hoedanigheid heb ik​ tal van teams, leidinggevenden en managers gecoacht​​. ​Aan de oplossingsgericht​e manier van werken ben ik, ​na een opleiding bij Ilfaro (2010), helemaal verknocht geraakt. Met die aanpak heb ik​ diverse kleinschalige maar ook grote veranderingsprocessen (oa fusies)​ mogen begeleiden​. In mijn aanpak leg ik de nadruk op​: ​dienend​ leiderschap, duurzame ontwikkeling, empowerment van individuen en teams, good governance​ en het belang van een verbindende communicatie. Ik ​ben oprichter van The Shift en​ voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van Wereldmediahuis vzw (uitgever van MO*). Eind 2017 werd ik fiere mede-zaakvoerder van Ilfaro. ​

Louis Cauffman

Louis Cauffman is a business economist and clinical psychologist with a wide range of therapeutic training, ranging from Systemic Family Therapy to Ericksonian Hypnotherapy through all possible directions within the Solution-oriented approach. Ik heb een dubbele achtergrond. Ik ben klinisch psycholoog met een hele brede waaier aan therapeutische opleidingen, gaande van Systemische familietherapie over Ericksoniaanse hypnotherapie tot alle mogelijke richtingen in de oplossingsgerichte benadering. Daarnaast ben ik bedrijfseconoom. Deze dubbele achtergrond weerspiegelt zich ook in de diversiteit van het werk en de projecten waarmee ik me bezig mag houden.

Peter van Erum

Peter van Erum graduated as a zoologist and science teacher in 1990 from the University of Ghent, Belgium. In 1992 he started teaching biology and chemistry in a rural school in Tanzania. He remained in East Africa (Tanzania and Uganda), working in various advisory and management positions: training coordinator, regional director, organisational development and program advisor, fundraiser, project manager, etc. For most of these years, he worked for Trias, a Belgian non-governmental development organisation focusing on strengthening organisations of small-holder farmers and entrepreneurs. Currently, he is the regional partnership manager (East Africa) at the Trias Uganda office.

Philip Lievens

Philip Lievens, M.A. M.B.A., is an independent Consultant, Trainer and Coach. He is a former Training manager in the non-profit sector and in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry (Bayer Antwerp NV). From early in his career he has been trained in process-consultation by Rene Bouwen and Felix Corthouts. He participated in several master classes in Solution Focus organised by Ilfaro, and found a deepening and practical methodology in SF. His main focus is on training of learning managers, developmental competence management, leadership and organisational development, cooperative skills and team coaching. Philip has 3 grown up children, and in his leisure time is a nature guide and a sculptor, living near Ghent.

Vonneke Beeker

I am a process facilitator, coach and mediator. Mediating, connecting and helping people get to where they want to be are in my blood. By doing so, I want to contribute to valuable living and working together and I believe in the power of conversation. How beautiful is it when you can talk, exchange and come up with solutions with each other in a caring and genuine way? I work from solution-focused practice and draw inspiration from Deep Democracy. I also bring my background in dramaturgy to the workplace. As a dramaturge, I always look at the different layers at play in an organisation; the people, their wishes, the mutual relationships, the prevailing culture and the substantive project. Together, we look at the different layers and, where necessary, we align them.

Wendy Van den Bulck

Horses have always been a passion, since I was a child. However, I’ve walked a long path to arrive at getting into contact with the real nature of horses and how we can learn from them. A horse trek in the French Pyrenees (in 2002) was a key moment: in actually living together with the horses I finally found what intuitively I had always linked with them: contact, togetherness, trust, authenticity, respect, clarity, peace… The search for where I could find those qualities somewhere closer to home brought me to Terra Natura in the Netherlands, where I started a training with Pieter Baalbergen in 2004. After Pieter’s death in 2006 I continued to give direction to this organisation for a couple of years, together with some colleagues. With Equoia I am now walking my own path.

Wim Sucaet

As he is training himself in getting things to its essence, adding a longer bio is quite a challenge. Therefor he wants to focus on the essence, namely noticing things that work for him. being present in the moment smile in a soothing and supportively way having an authentic curious stance listening with a constructive ear asking questions that make the other elicit resources and opportunities having fun while helping the other regain hope and perspective The domains he’s mainly operating in are