The InterAction Collection

Stealth Solution Focus Practice

Aug 29, 2024

Andrew Gibson


Andrew Gibson’s open space session delved into innovative methods for integrating solution-focused approaches discreetly within various organisational contexts. Participants shared various strategies tailored to subtly foster positive change without overtly disrupting existing structures or workflows.

For example, Roy introduced the concept of “Guerrilla solution-focused practice,” which involves being solution-focused in meetings even if one is the only proponent of such methodologies. This approach includes thinking aloud in a solution-focused manner and maintaining a structured review process in meetings to ensure constructive outcomes. Similarly, Wendy’s input revolved around identifying existing signs of solution-focused practice and amplifying them. Her tactics, such as asking “What do you want instead?” when facing complaints, aimed to shift conversations from problem-centric to solution-oriented.

The session also explored the broader implications of stealth solution-focused techniques on sustainable organisational development, aligning with the economic, social, and environmental aspects.

For instance, Ania’s approach to teaching how to lead crutial conversations through solution-focused strategies highlighted the potential for saving time and enhancing meeting efficacy, thus contributing to economic efficiency.

Robert’s method of engaging participants in role plays without explicitly labelling them as such encouraged more authentic interactions and learning experiences, potentially leading to better social cohesion within teams.

Furthermore, Bodil and Fania’s contributions exemplified how leaders could integrate solution-focused approaches seamlessly into ongoing projects and transformations, emphasising adaptability and continuous learning as key to environmental sustainability in a business context.

Overall, the session underscored the utility of solution-focused practices as tools for immediate problem-solving and long-term, sustainable organisational development strategies.

Andrew Gibson
Andrew Gibson
InterAction Contributor
SFiO Contributor

Passionate advocate of SFP in Organisations, especially small businesses and charities. Specialising in helping people find clients and make a sustainable income from their activities. Always looking to help in a Single Session, whether it is a 121 conversation, a ‘Best Year Ever’ workshop, or a speech to help the audience find more referrals. Always looking for ways of applying SFP to help people make progress. Coach, facilitator, trainer, public speaker and author of ‘What’s Your URP?’ and ‘Make Life Simple’. Organiser of UK Northern SFiO Chapter, committee member of SFiO, and committee member of UKASFP
