Micro Skills in a Macro World
A Progress Report from the Macroanalysis Study Group
Oct 30, 2024
Mark McKergow,Susanne Burgstaller,Jesper Hankovszky Christiansen,Anton Stellamans,Marika Tammeaid & Jonas Wells
What do SF practitioners involved in large-scale change projects do that works?
What do SF practitioners that are involved in large-scale change projects do that works?
The Macroanalysis Study Group has studied this question for the last two years. They have examined case stories together and identified some distinctive features of SF organisational development (OD) processes.
In the first part of this video/audio, they share these insights with you. During the second part of this video/audio, you hear a short presentation of an OD case, and reflecting teams share “wow-moments”, ideas and insights for you and the case owner.
The video/audio concludes with a harvest of new insights and possible further questions leading to more learning in the future.
This video/audio should provide you with ideas, skills and inspiration if you:
- are already working in OD and seeking to make it even more SF or
- want to expand your skills from individuals and teams to work with whole-scale organisational or inter-organisational change.
Be prepared to gain new insights!
Format: Workshop/Practitioner Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Listen to an audio recording on Soundcloud
With thanks to SFiO financial contributors for enabling the recording and editing of this feature. Become a contributor. Click on link in green button above.