Practical ideas for stimulating quality in training
Trainers Conference
Jan 5, 2025
Peter Sundman , Björn Johansson
This article is a summary of ideas for stimulating the quality
of training that we have collected from personal experiences,
from our colleagues and associates and especially from all the
skilful trainers at the SFCT trainers conference in Frankfurt in
October 2011. We were fascinated by the rich variety of peda-
gogical and ingenious activities!
This is a step in collecting and building on what is ‘out
there’ in training settings and not a complete list of how to
train. Our focus is general and practical, stemming from the
SF trainings we have experienced and heard about. These
trainings are mostly done within some specific professional
field. Interestingly though, trainers in different fields tend to
use similar ideas and techniques (Röhrig & Clarke, 2008,
p. 5). Still, every field is unique and these ideas need to be
translated and tailored to fit the field in question. For us, the
measure of quality in training is the extent to which the
teaching and the training supports the trainees learning to
work in an SF way. So, from our perspective it’s not enough
to learn SF in the classroom. The trainees need to be able to
use and transfer SF in their natural context.